More than Mud

Long before my recent travels with the DrilRite crew for the Summer Of Mud Giveaway , I heard good things about the company from a mutual client. I remember the conversation well, it stood out to me then, as it does now, that while our mutual client had very good things to say about DrilRite…he hardly mentioned their products.

He talked about a feeling of commonality with the owner, who I now know to be Dennis (pictured below)

He talked about having a deeper well of information he could draw upon, and how that information translated into increased confidence.

He talked about feeling like the dollars he worked so hard to earn, were painless to part with, when hard earned by others.

Some time later, when I made the decision to call upon a handful of companies and ask them to support so it could evolve into something more…I knew I had to talk to DrilRite.

I didn’t ask them to give me money so I could go off and do my own thing.

I asked them to collaborate with me over the long-term to try to turn their decades of combined knowledge and experience into something we could share with the entire HDD Community, and to allow me to tell their personal story in the process.

Anyone can sell mud, lots of guys have a decade or more in HDD under their belt, and a good number of them will give you some advice every now and then.

Dennis stands out among that crowd.

He is generous with his time, and genuine in his motives. He wants to see guys make it, and he wants to help them make it.

If everything goes as we hope, this project will achieve that goal on a new scale, and touch countless HDD Contractors who might have otherwise not run into the DrilRite crew.

So, I ask you to follow along as this project unfolds in the coming months and years, as DrilRite and do our very best to give the HDD Industry “more than mud”

Dennis Whitehurst (Pictured Above) Describing a burrito to a colleague.

Tony Clicks

HDD’s favorite creative.


DrilRite joins


Summer of Mud 2024